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Emery-n-Denise's Puppy Application
Your Name:
Your Email:
[email protected]
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(###) ###-####
Your Zip Code:
I am Interested in Emery-n-Denise's:
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BSP - Auburn & Light Blonde
Darker Auburn Color Puppies
Any of Your Future Puppy Litters
Puppy Gender:
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No Preference
Question 1:
Have you considered that caring for a 9-week old puppy will take about the same amount of time and energy in the first few months as caring for a two-year-old toddler?
Question 2:
Will a responsible person be home with the puppy for most of the time during the first three months so that the puppy does not have to be kept in a crate or confinement area for more than 3 hours at a time (except during nighttime sleep hours)?
Question 3:
What is your reason for wanting to own a Golden Retriever puppy?
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To have as a family pet or companion animal.
To train as a service dog for humans.
To compete in dog competitions or shows.
I am a breeder, for breeding purposes.
Primarily a family pet, potentially breed in the future.
Other reason.
Question 4:
What age are you planning to have your Golden spayed or neutered?
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Under 6 Mos.
6-12 Mos.
12-18 Mos.
18-24 Mos.
After 24 Mos.
Not having this done.
Question 5:
Have you owned a Golden Retriever puppy before? Have you ever owned and cared for any other breed of dog? What other animals do you currently own that would be interacting with your new puppy?
Question 6:
Are you aware of the grooming requirements of a Golden Retriever and that to minimize hair shedding in your home, they must be brushed on a regular basis? Does anyone living in your home have allergies to pet dander?
Question 7:
What activities or lifestyle do you anticipate sharing with your dog? What energy level would you prefer in a Golden Retriever - high, medium, or low?
Question 8:
How would you exercise your Golden Retriever each day? Are you considering obedience training?
Question 9:
How familiar are you with our website? Please tell us if you have read our Purchase Agreement and T & C? Have you read any of our blog articles? Which ones?
Question 10:
How long have you been searching for a new puppy; Are you considering other breeds besides a Golden; and, How many other breeders have you talked to?
Question 11:
What is your age?
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under 18
over 70
Question 12:
What is your household or family income per year?
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less than 20K
over 115K
Question 13:
How Did You Find Us on the Internet?
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We are previous buyers
Referred by a buyer
Puppy buying/selling website
Puppy Classified Ad
Social Media
Other Source
Preferred Method of Contact:
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eMail Me Only Please
Best Time to Contact You (please specify when you want to be contacted either: ASAP, or a day of the week and time of day, also include your time zone.):
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What citrus fruit is also the name of a common color?
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Call Us:
(417) 559-3305
Text Msg Us:
(417) 559-3305
Email Us:
Your Name:
Your Email:
[email protected]
Your Phone: (###) ###-####
Best Method to Reach You:
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Please Call Me (no texting)
Please Text Me Only
Please Call or Text Me
eMail Me Only Please
I am Interested in Emery-n-Denise's:
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BSP - Auburn & Light Blonde
Darker Auburn Color Puppies
Any of Your Future Puppy Litters
Puppy Gender:
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No Preference
How Did You Find Us on the Internet?
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Searched Google,Bing,Yahoo
We are previous buyers
Referred by a buyer
Puppy buying/selling website
Puppy Classified Ad
Social Media
Other Source
Your Message to Emery-n-Denise:
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What citrus fruit is also the name of a color?
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