Here is an update for our Upcoming Auburn color litter with Bridgette (our Auburn color female) and Rhett (our Auburn color male): AUGUST 17TH UPDATE: On Tuesday, Aug 13th, Bridgette started her heat cycle which will last for approximately 21-24 days. Her mating period with Rhett (called the estrous stage...

Updates on Our Auburn Color Litter for the Spring of 2024
-Latest on Our Auburn Color Litters /
Feb 14th, 2024
APRIL 24TH UPDATE ON OUR SPRING 2024 AUBURN COLOR LITTER: Here is the news everyone has been waiting for regarding the birth of our recent Auburn color litter of pups. Bridgette and Rhett are the proud parents of 5 beautiful puppies, 2 boys and 3 girls. ALL PUPPIES IN THIS LITTER HAVE BEEN...