Here is an update for our Upcoming English White Cream litter with Duchess (our European English white cream female) and Huxley (our European English white cream male): JULY 1ST UPDATE: On Monday, July 1st, Duchess started her heat cycle which will last for approximately 21-24 days. Her mating period with...

Latest On Our Next English White Cream Litter for the Spring of 2023
JUNE 7TH UPDATE ON OUR WHITE CREAM LITTER: Here is the news everyone has been waiting for regarding the birth of our recent White Cream litter of pups. Duchess and Huxley are the proud parents of 5 beautiful puppies, 1 boy and 4 girls. Although this was a smaller litter of puppies,...

And then there was none...
As of the end of Easter Sunday, all of our English (white) Cream puppies have been adopted by the wonderful families! The two shown above wer the last two in the litter. But if you missed out, you can get on our list for the light blonde, caramel or auburn...

Video - Emery-n-Denise's Golden Puppies Brings Joy to a Family
The Martin L family had Christmas in May. The whole neighborhood got involved. Emery-n-Denise were happy to see one of our babies bring joy to a family with so much love to give! Check out this video by clicking here!
Do Emery-n-Denise's Golden Puppies Speak English?
Well You be the judge. This is Paisley (our White Cream Golden at 13 weeks old) and the beautiful girl Lauren of the family who purchased her from us: