Vetting Your Veterinarian Over the years, we have talked to literally 1000’s of pet owners who have expressed their experiences with veterinarians. Some have expressed experiences with Vets that are wonderful, but the majority cause us to just, wonder about Vets. Like human doctors, there are some good ones, but...

Are You Over-Vaccinating Your Golden Retriever?*
Annual trips to your veterinarian for a health checkup of your Golden Retriever usually include a 5-way, 7-way, or 9-way vaccination booster. It's like a cocktail of modified live viruses that your veterinarian gives your Golden every year. But a good question to ask is, “How long does a vaccination...

Anesthesia: What You Should Know For Your Golden Retriever*
Anesthesia: Anytime your puppy is required to have an operation of any kind, a teeth cleaning, certain types of x-rays, or an elective procedure such as spaying or neutering, anesthesia will be performed by the Veterinarian. Please do not take this lightly. Ask the right questions and make the right decision for your...
What You Should Know About Heart Disease
There are several ways your dog can be affected by heart problems: Acquired Heart Disease Accounts for 95% of all diagnosed heart conditions Disease that develops during the course of your dog's life There are two principal causes of acquired heart disease: Valvular disease, which is also known as atrioventricular...