Auburn Puppy IconRhett and Auburn Puppy IconBridgette's Litters - Auburn Color:

Auburn Puppy IconAuburn Puppy IconOur Previous
Auburn Color Litter

Auburn Color Golden Retriever Puppies
From our auburn sire and our auburn dam. Pups are medium golden at birth and will darken into a deep, rich auburn color as adults.

Previous Litter Birth: Apr 16, 2024
Ready Date: Jun 21, 2024
There are no available puppies from the "Previous" litter. Please scroll down to the "Most Recent Litter" to check current availability.
Parents:Parent Photos Icon Rhett & Bridgette
Male Pups: Puppy Photos Icon $ (all sold)
Female Pups: Puppy Photos Icon $ (all sold)
Please call or text us about our reservation list for the next litter: (417) 559-3305 phone contact

Auburn Puppy IconAuburn Puppy IconOur Most Recent
Auburn Color Litter

Auburn Color Golden Retriever Puppies For Sale
From our auburn sire and our auburn dam. Pups are medium golden at birth and will darken into a deep, rich auburn color as adults.

Most Recent Litter Birth: Apr 16, 2024
Ready Date: Jun 21, 2024
All puppies in our "Most Recent" litter have been sold. Please scroll down to the "Next" litter for info on making a reservation.
Buyers make their puppy choices starting May 24th
Parents:Parent Photos Icon Rhett & Bridgette
Male Pups: Puppy Photos Icon call or txt
Female Pups: Puppy Photos Icon call or txt
Available for Purchase Now: Females - none
Males - none
Deposit on Current Litter
If pups are Available Now
and under 5 Wks of Age.
Use PayPal or Venmo (below):
$500 (non-refundable
if you cancel)
Deposit on Current Litter
If pups are Available Now
and over 5 Wks of Age.
Use PayPal or Venmo (below):
$1000 (non-refundable
if you cancel)
Missouri Sales Tax: (Applies to all residents of Missouri. Also applies to non-residents if puppy is picked up by the buyer or delivered to the buyer within Missouri.) 6.725%
Shipping (if needed): $450-$500
Please call or text us about purchasing a puppy from this
litter if showing availability:
(417) 559-3305 phone contact
After the pups are 5 weeks of age and the table above shows availability, you can purchase a specific puppy from the puppy photos below (scroll down or click here).

Before placing your deposit, please take a moment to fill out our Puppy Application and read our Purchase Agreement first.

Then call (417) 559-3305 to confirm availability. You can use PayPal or Venmo (shown below) to place your deposit.

After placing your deposit, you will need to create your customer account so that we can keep track of your reservation (ask us about that when you call).
If there are no puppies available from our recent Auburn color litter, or if you are not ready to adopt a puppy at this time, you can get on the reservation list for our next litter by placing a deposit using PayPal or Venmo (shown below).
Call us (417) 559-3305 before placing a deposit.

Auburn Puppy IconAuburn Puppy IconOur Next
Auburn Color Litter

Auburn Color Golden Retriever Puppies For Sale
From our auburn sire and our auburn dam. Pups are medium golden at birth and will darken into a deep, rich auburn color as adults.

Next Projected Litter Birth: Spring 2025
Ready Date: Spring 2025
Reservations are still available for the next litter. When ready to reserve your puppy, scroll down to the next section to place a deposit.
Parents:Parent Photos Icon Rhett & Bridgette
Male Pups: Puppy Photos Icon $1800-$2200
Female Pups: Puppy Photos Icon $1800-$2200
To make a reservation for a Auburn color puppy use PayPal or Venmo in the next section below.
   1st Priority Deposit:
   2nd Priority Deposit:
   Standby Deposit:
Deposits are non-refundable if you cancel.
Missouri Sales Tax: (Applies to all residents of Missouri. Also applies to non-residents if puppy is picked up by the buyer or delivered to the buyer within Missouri.) 6.725%
Shipping (if needed): $450-$500
Current No. of Male
Puppy Reservations:
(4) 1st Priority
(0) 2nd Priority
Current No. of Female
Puppy Reservations:
(5) 1st Priority
(0) 2nd Priority
Please call or text us about our reservation list for the next Auburn color litter. To make a reservation, use PayPal or Venmo in the next section below. (417) 559-3305 phone contact

Auburn Puppy IconAuburn Puppy IconReserving a Puppy
or Making Payments on the Auburn Color Litter

For information on using PayPal or
Venmo to make deposits on a
puppy reservation, please click HERE.


Before placing a deposit,
please fill out our Puppy Application and read our Purchase Agreement first.Then call (417) 559-3305 to checkavailability in the litter of your
choice, and ask about creating
your personal customer account.

Make Your Choice For an Auburn
Color Puppy Purchase or Deposit:

(deposits are non-refunadable if you cancel)

~3.5% PayPal or Venmo Fee Included in Payment

We Credit Back the Service Fee
IF Friends & Family is Chosen for Payment.

Make your selection below, then pay
that amount after clicking a Payment button.

For Male or Female Auburn Color Puppy:
~3.5% PayPal or Venmo Fee Included in Payment

(deposits are non-refunadable if you cancel)

Auburn Puppy IconAuburn Puppy Icon Our April 2024 Auburn Color Litter

Mouseover / tap image; click magnifier to enlarge / view more images.
Golden Retriever Puppies for Sale - Auburn Litter

The photos shown here are from Rhett and Bridgette's recent litter of pups. The pups will be ready to go to their new homes at approximately 9 weeks of age. Specific puppies (if available) will be ready to purchase at 5 weeks of age, and at that time we will post individual photos of the puppies (below). Prior to that, you can reserve a puppy using the PayPal buttons in the gold box above. After the pups reach 5 weeks of age, you can scroll down to the individual puppy photos to see if any pups are available for purchase. Then, after calling us to confirm availability you can place your deposit by using the PayPal button next to that puppy, or ask us about other payment options. If all pups have been sold in this litter, you can reserve a puppy from their next litter by using the PayPal buttons in the gold box above. When the next litter of puppies are born, we will show photos of the pups in the whelping box, and update the individual photos (below) at approximately 5 weeks of age. We just know you are going to love our cast of little puppy stars when their photos and videos debut.

About Our Auburn Color Puppy Litters:

Our AKC purebred auburn color pups from Rhett and Bridgette are adorable! Pictures are posted at 5-6 weeks of age and videos at 7-8 weeks. Before 5 weeks of age, we show pictures and videos from the previous litter of these parents to help give our customers an idea of the puppy appearance and features that can be expected from Emery-n-Denise's Golden PuppiesTM.

In the photos and videos shown below, the camera lighting varies according to our indoor space that we use for the shots, so we have also given you a brief description of each puppy's coat coloring relative to its siblings. For example, if we say the puppy has a lighter colored coat, this does not mean the coat will not be auburn, it just means lighter compared to the rest of the litter. Also, please keep in mind that you are looking at the puppy coat which is usually different and often lighter than its adult coat. But if you look at the coloring on a Golden Retriever puppy's ears, it can sometimes give you an indication of how the adult coat will change. For example, if the ears are slightly darker than the rest of the body, the overall coat may darken slightly as the pup matures, but not as dark as the ears because the ears are almost always a little darker than the rest of the body on a Golden Retriever. But if the ears are about the same color as the rest of the coat on a puppy, the change in the puppy's coat color will most likely be very slight or unnoticeable as it grows older. Also keep in mind that the bright studio lighting usually causes the pups to appear lighter in color than their actual color.

Many people ask us about the puppy's personality or temperament. We can only base our opinion on the temperaments of the parents and what we observe in the puppy when we are playing with it, cutting its toenails, giving its medications, or bathing it. However, the puppy's temperament can change as it matures. Both parents have a mild to active temperament, not overly shy or excitable, and very obedient. We determine a rating of the puppies temperament on a scale of 1 to 10 and we call it, "liveliness." So, a higher rating would mean more active and playful, and a lower rating, less active and more mellow. Next to the photos of each puppy, we have rated what we feel is the liveliness of the puppy as we have observed. If we see the personality mellowing out or becoming more active, we will change the rating accordingly during our 9 weeks of care. We hope this helps.


Auburn Puppy IconAuburn Puppy Icon Meet the Pups From
Our Most Recent Auburn Litter

Male Puppy No. 6588 - "Cinnamon" - SOLD
Mouseover / tap image; click magnifier to enlarge / view more images.
Auburn Male Golden Retriever Puppy No. One
  • Puppy color will darken to a beautiful auburn color.
*/ ?> */ ?>
Puppy No. 6588
Name: Cinnamon
Pup Available: Sold
Gender: Male
Parents: Rhett & Bridgette
Liveliness (1-10): 5+
Photos at Age: 6 Wks
Puppy Weight: 9.8 lbs
Has a medium auburn coat relative to siblings.
Birth Date: Apr 16, 2024
Ready Date: Jun 21, 2024
Video at Age: 8 weeks
Weight: 13.2 lbs
This puppy from our most recent litter is Sold. Click here to place deposit on the next litter.
Male Puppy No. 5840 - "Sonny" - SOLD
Mouseover / tap image; click magnifier to enlarge / view more images.
Auburn Male Golden Retriever Puppy No. Two
  • Puppy color will darken significantly to a deep, rich auburn color.
*/ ?> */ ?>
Puppy No. 5840
Name: Sonny
Pup Available: Sold
Gender: Male
Parents: Rhett & Bridgette
Liveliness (1-10): 5+
Photos at Age: 6 Wks
Puppy Weight: 9.4 lbs
Has a slightly darker auburn coat relative to siblings.
Birth Date: Apr 16, 2024
Ready Date: Jun 21, 2024
Video at Age: 8 weeks
Weight: 12.9 lbs
This puppy from our most recent litter is Sold. Click here to place deposit on the next litter.
Female Puppy No. 2820 - "Winnie Jane" - SOLD
Mouseover / tap image; click magnifier to enlarge / view more images.
Auburn Female Golden Retriever Puppy No. One
  • Puppy color will darken with age but not quite as dark as its siblings.
*/ ?>
Puppy No. 2820
Name: Winnie Jane
Pup Available: Sold
Gender: Female
Parents: Rhett & Bridgette
Liveliness (1-10): 6-
Photos at Age: 6 Wks
Puppy Weight: 9.5 lbs
Has a slightly lighter auburn coat relative to siblings.
Birth Date: Apr 16, 2024
Ready Date: Jun 21, 2024
Video at Age: 8 weeks
Weight: 11.5 lbs
This puppy from our most recent litter is Sold. Click here to place deposit on the next litter.
Female Puppy No. 3318 - "Rylee Willow" - SOLD
Mouseover / tap image; click magnifier to enlarge / view more images.
Auburn Female Golden Retriever Puppy No. Two
  • Puppy color will darken significantly to a deep, rich auburn color.
*/ ?>
Puppy No. 3318
Name: Rylee Willow
Pup Available: Sold
Gender: Female
Parents: Rhett & Bridgette
Liveliness (1-10): 5
Photos at Age: 6 Wks
Puppy Weight: 9.5 lbs
Has a slightly darker auburn coat relative to siblings.
Birth Date: Apr 16, 2024
Ready Date: Jun 21, 2024
Video at Age: 8 weeks
Weight: 12.2 lbs
This puppy from our most recent litter is Sold. Click here to place deposit on the next litter.
Female Puppy No. 2713 - "Scarlet" - SOLD
Mouseover / tap image; click magnifier to enlarge / view more images.
Auburn Female Golden Retriever Puppy No. Three
  • Puppy color will darken significantly to a deep, rich auburn color.
*/ ?>
Puppy No. 2713
Name: Scarlet
Pup Available: Sold
Gender: Female
Parents: Rhett & Bridgette
Liveliness (1-10): 5-
Photos at Age: 6 Wks
Puppy Weight: 9.5 lbs
Has a slightly darker auburn coat relative to siblings.
Birth Date: Apr 16, 2024
Ready Date: Jun 21, 2024
Video at Age: 8 weeks
Weight: 12.2 lbs
This puppy from our most recent litter is Sold. Click here to place deposit on the next litter.

Text Msg Us:

(417) 559-3305

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