Emery-n-Denise's Golden PuppiesTM Blog:

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And then there was none...

And then there was none...

-Latest on Our White Cream Litters   /   Apr 12th, 2020   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-
As of the end of Easter Sunday, all of our English (white) Cream puppies have been adopted by the wonderful families! The two shown above wer the last two in the litter. But if you missed out, you can get on our list for the light blonde, caramel or auburn color litters which are coming in the next two months. We are so happy to see our pups go to loving families with so much love to share. These pups will be ready to join their new family homes on May 1st, just a few weeks away. During this very unusual time of crisis in our nation, we have been so blessed to have these pups to take our minds off the circumstances. They are truly man's best friend. golden-puppies.com   (417) 559-3305
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